Open Door Christian Church
a unique blend of service and worship.
Take a look at a refreshing and
exciting way of being church in the world!
Open Door Christian Church, “The Bicycle Church” – a place of worship, discipleship, and service. We combine our ministry of Chain Reaction Ministry and Worship/Discipleship. We receive used bicycles from the community, recycle and gift them back to the those in need of transportation. Our worship and discipleship are centered around our identity statement.
If you are looking for a place to worship a God for ALL people?
If you are looking for a place to serve the community?
If you are searching for a way to grow your faith in a world in search of a unique love provided by God and God’s People?
Come and take a look
A new and refreshing way of church in the world!
Good site for Chain Reaction: https://www.chainreactionbikes.org/
“We will create a culture of grace and unity around Christ’s purpose at ODCC.”
We will protect the rights for ALL people to be welcomed, included, accepted, and valued in God’s Kingdom.
We will invite ALL people to experience what it means to be loved like God loves.
We will provide a safe place where trust, forgiveness, and acceptance is experienced.
We will create a place where ALL people can grow in their relationship with God by learning about Jesus, experiencing Jesus, and trusting Jesus’ way of life.
We will provide a safe place where ALL people can practice living out of their faith.
We will plan a safe environment of encouragement for ALL people to live out God’s plan and purpose for their lives.
We will exemplify the uplifting, joyful positive Spirit of Jesus Christ at Open Door Christian Church.
Thank you for visiting our website. We serve the community through prayer, fellowship, and various outreach activities. Whatever your story, questions, doubts, or struggles, we invite you to come discover Open Door Christian Church, a compassionate, thinking, and generous community of faith, seeking to follow the ways of Jesus.